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Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 Harris Faulkner said something hat truly offends me ... and that says a lot ...

While talking about how much money is being spent under the Biden administration she said:
        "He spends like an out of control housewife."

What does that mean??

Housewives generally have a better idea of what'soing on with the household budget than those who are working ..
They need to keep a budget To The Penny, in many cases
They know who's going to be where when (even if only in a general sense)
They will usually be the one keepin g an eye on everyone's health ...
And many are even in charge of balancing the checkbook and savings accounts.

And - no - not all "housewives" are in influential houses either - they are across all economic levels ... some have the position out of design, some without a choice because they don't have jobs in their general area.

But to make the assumption ... or implication ... or inferance .... that a person who is a housewife over spends ...

That would be like assuming that because someone is a politican that they are crooks & liars ... I know several politicians (granted they are local politicians) who are wonderful people.
Or like saying just because you're a lawyer your not trustworhy - I know a couple lawyers and they seem okay too.
Or that if you drive a pick-up you must be a redneck .... I know several people with trucks and it varied -- the ones I knew in my youth, yeah, they were pretty much red-necks, but as an adult - naw, they have to trucks because they can haul a lot of crap around, but the people are good guys, but not Good Ol' Boys, if you know what I mean.

It just shocked me that SHE would say that .... I always thaought she was more tolerant than that.

And I've gotta say ...
If you're a housewife, you know the feeling of going some place and being asked "what do you do for a living?" and then getting "oh, so you're just a housewife" ....


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