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Tuesday, May 28, 2024


 Okay - so i sounds like the jury will get the Bookkeeping Trial of Mr. Donald J. Trump, Sr.
Yup - that's what it comes down too.

Today (28May2024) not only did the former president have his supporters out by the microphones .... but President Biden did too!

How nervous must he be to have people from his campaign there?  Robert DeNiro showed up as well ... and I heard he threw around some pretty colorful language att the reporters who asked him questions -- but I have not been able to find it any where on television ... YET!
I'm pretty sure it's going to show up on YouTube at some point, but we've got to wait.

My understanding is that Mr. Trump violated the Gag Order again this weekend - but I didn't hear about anything being mentioned about it in court ... it may have been - probably was, the prosecutors seem to always point out when it happens to the judge.
You remember that kid in school who would rat everybody out?
Maybe it was one of your brothers or sisters who ratted to Mom and/or Dad ...
That's the way the prosecuion seemed to me through this whole thing.

The jury was sent HOME a week ago (21May2024) and were allowed to go back to work if they wished, and they could basically go back to their old way of life for the week before Memorial Day ...
They just weren't supposed to read any articles (neither online or in a newspaper), see anything on Social Media, or talk to anyone abot the case, etc.

Now - when they are going to DELIBERAE ... and this shocked me even more than them getting to return to work ... they let the judge know that for the first night of deliberations they were willing to STAY LATE ...

Wait ...

You mean ...

they STILL won't be SEQUESTERED???



This explains why the justice system in NY state is so screwed up!!!!

No Judge! Put them in a hotel someplace ....
Where you can keep an eye on WHAT and HOW they read things ...

I heard today that even DURING THE TRIAL the jurors were able to access their CELL PHONES!!!!


What is wrong wih these people?!?!

Just going to have to see ... remember, there are 2 lawyers on the jury - they should know the law ... let's hope hey are at the very least 


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