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Wednesday, May 29, 2024


I was watching Special Report (FNC) tonight and they showed Mr. Trump speaking at a microphone after the court either adjourned today, or after the case went to the jury (I'm not sure which, but it doesn't really mater).

He is definately showing his age!
Well, actually, he's looking a LOT older than 77 years at this point.

That famous hair flip, gone.

The red tinge to his hair - gone too

And his face .... well its not Spray Tan Orange anymore - either that or they took away his Cheetos - its gone too and you can see EVERY LITTLE wrinkle on his face.

He looks like he hasn't slept in months!

Like I said previously - I have not heard anything about Melania going out and campaigning for him .... and as much as the big Alphabet Soup networks disliked her as First Lady - they would have been ALL over that!

In fact, they - the same ones who said it was a horrid thing for going after Hunter Biden because he's a child of the president - have been keeping tabs on Barron!

and, yes, that is how you spell his name ... as in "Barron's" the magazine of the Dow-Jones stock market ... not as in the royal rank, Baron.
They have absolutely NOTHING to do with each other.

But while Hunter is being pursued by the courts for violating crimes .... Barron is being pursued in hopes of finding anything wrong.

But, yes, the trials are starting to take their toll on Mr. Trump's appearance -- but apparently, not his mind!

He is still pretty sharp ....although, I think he could use a better line than "witch hunt" .... please ... it's very offensive to people - both those who don't believe in witches, and those practicing the Craft.

I'm just hoping that the jury takes their time going over things.
Today - they spent 4 hours deliberating, according to the news channels.

It's going to be interesting to see what happens.

But Mr. Trump?

Yeah, he's looking older now .... Not as old as Biden, but quite a bit older.

I'm wondering if he's having some health issues with all the stress he's under.

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