May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Okay - I saw this at the beginning o*f one of my news programs (I'm back in the cities for a couple of days to pack, so while I've been watcching, I haven't really been paying attention) but this is the tail end of the program before the one I intended to watch ....

It's an X post from Ritchie Torres - I have no idea who he is, but I'm going to guess some sort of politician since they had it on air and I do NOT know if this is ALL that he wrote, but here is what **I** saw:

"If there were a hateful protest against a Black Church or a Latino Church, we would not attempt to "explain" it. We would condemn it.  If there were a hateful protest against a mosque, we would not attempt to "explain" it.  We would condemn it.   Why do we as a society, feel the need to "explain" a hateful protest against a synoguein Los Angeles?    The attempt to justify unjustifiable attacks against Jews is its own form of antisemitism. "

To which I say ...

AMEN, Brother!!!
(and no, that is NOT sarcasm) 


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