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Tuesday, June 18, 2024


Oh geez - I didn't like it when President Reagan did it ...
And I hate the fact that President Biden is now doing it!

Amnesty for about 500,000 DACA people, right off the bat - these are kids, aged birth - 16 years old, w;ho came into the country ILlegally with their parents - under the assumption that they had no choice in the matter ... don't get me started about how high that age goes ...

Then he is also giving amnesty to ILlegals who are now married to US citizens .... and this one I agree with - as long as it's a real relationship and not just a "honey pot" situation like they ran into during wartime.

Also, their children - so the question becomes, is that for ANY children (even ones who came over) or just those which the couple had together?
I could see where any child which came over MUST have to apply for citizenship when they turn 18 years old - but its been a longtime policy that any child born in American automatically gets US citizenship.

It applies to those who have lived here for at least 10 years ... so 2014 ... during Obama's term in office ... 

it DOES NOT apply to those who have been deported, or those deemed to be "A Danger To The Public" ... yeah, we've already seen how well that's worked so far!
They just arrested a man from Ecuador who raped a 13 year old in a city park in NYC!!!
I would have thught they'd have stopped him BEFORE he got put into public, but we can see how "well" this is (NOT) going to work.

We will see what happens ...

Remember - there doesn't seem to be any language which specifies nationality .... so this is for ANY one who came in, not just those from the Southern border ... and we have heard NOTHING about those crossing from up north.

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