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Wednesday, June 19, 2024


I turned into Fox Business News this morning .... Mornings with Maria, I guess, I don't usually watch this station ... and they were discussing the Los Angeles school system deciding to BAN cell phones in the classrooms ....

Wait --

When my 2 youngest kids started high school, don't ask how many years ago - they were ENCOURAGED to have a "smart phone" IN class - which a good chunk of us parents tried to fight against ...

They based their decision on some study from California that said that kids learn best when they have use of the internet IN the classroom - and while we could use laptops, it would be BEST to use a cell phone ...
Something to do with them already knowing how to use them ....

Our kids got USED laptops and didn't get to use one of OUR cell phones until they got their driver's permits .... it was a safety thing.

BUT - now, you're saying .... gee, imagine this .... we were RIGHT???

Actually, they didn't say the reason WHY the school system has BANNED cell phones .... and it could be anything ...
From the kids not paying attention in class ....
To the whole "new" warnings about Social Media and youth (why won't they listen to us parents???)
To recording some of the stupid things teachers are saying during their classes ....
To taking videos of fights which happen in the schools ...
And then posting all these embarrassing moments ONLINE  where the NEWS can pick it up!

I'm guessing it has more to do with the last ones ... but, you never know.

I keep telling my kids to give it a while and the "experts" will flip the other way ....

And its very true!

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