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Tuesday, June 04, 2024


Strange question, I know - but it seems that that is what we are being asked to do this election cycle ...


I just heard a news report on Good Morning America (ABC) where they were talking about a NEW Executive Order which Mr. Biden is expected to announce/sign this afternoon ...

It will set limits on how many people will be allowed to cross the southern border every day .... it is supposed to be like 2,500 per DAY - and there will be an exception for "children" ... and they said the Border Patrol union endorsed it ...

Werll, let's get this out of the way right off the bat - the union for the Border Patrol units out there do NOT like the proposal, but at this point they figure something is better than nothing!  And, Nothing is what they have been getting from the government so far.

Well, it also sounds like Mr. Biden is going to be in trouble with his fellow Democrats IF he signs this EO ...


For Rep. A.O.C.(D-NY) it's a worry about "setting a presidence" of cooperating with the Republicans.
For Rep. Greg Casar (D-TX), well he seems to think this is giving the "right" what they want, without getting anything for his "community" ....I have no idea who this guy is ....


He triggered something in my head ...

They sound EXACTLY like the Republicans who keep going after the Speaker of the House (is it still Johnson?) ... 

They have NO intentions of EVER working with people who DON'TT think like THEM.

Let's face it - AOC on a rant, sounds very simular to MTG when she goes on one of her rants...
And the last time they wanted to kick the Speaker out of his job was because they said he worked with the "otherside" to pass a budget and keep the government open instead of .... what? Making everyone look bad?

These people are TOTALLY irrational .... and totally EXTREMISTS ...

I'm beginning to wonder if most of those born in the late1980-2000's are all nutty as a fruitcake!

They all seem to come off as SPOILED brats!!

They are the kid sitting in the shoe store screaming that they don't want a new pair of shoes ...

So I ask YOU .... which do you prefer ....

Your Left Shoe or your Right shoe (before you wear them, otherwise, that would be cheating)

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