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Sunday, June 16, 2024


So - I have begun watching Face the Nation (CBS) .... and so far in the introduction/preview of what's in this episode - the FIRST story they talk about is HUNTER BIDEN'S GUILTY VERDICT ...

Why does this shock me? 
Because I realized that on the other 2 shows I watched today - NEITHER of hem even mentioned Hunter Biden!

I remember in 2007-2008 when Katy Couric was in the back-pocket of the Democrats - and now .... what happened??
Well, we will see -- they still seem to lean "far left" in most of their daily programming/news shows .... but we will see.
Maybe, just maybe, they are learning a couple lessons from Fox News and trying their best to be "nuetral" .... or it could be that they don't like EITHER candidate, so they aren't going to be on anyone's "side"

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