May the Gargoyle Be With You - Follow my blog on your site or Google reader

Friday, June 14, 2024


So I caught the tell end of the program which comes on before The Faulkner Focus (FNC) and they have this little clip at the end called "Before We Go..." and they generally have a small interesting clip.

Well today's clip was about a MIDDLE SCHOOL (up here, that's is 4=8th grade) which just had a graduation of 23 sets of TWINS!!!!!!

So 46 of the graduationg class are related ... that's "unusual" to say the least ...
Concerning for sure ...
But Dis concerning to say the least!

If I were looking for a possible ENVIROMENTAL issue -- I'd start near this school in Massachusetts ... 
There has to be something in the water ... in the soil ... in the air ... to cause the birth of SO MANY SETS OF TWINS

While a set of twins is fairly common - to have SO MANY in a SINGLE location is UNHEARD OF!!!


There might be another LOVE CANAL going on along the East Coast ...

Wonder if anyone has looked into this.

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