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Thursday, June 13, 2024


Oh, yeah ....


He was a former President - only had one term .... thank goodness ... he didn't seem to do anything until his last year either, and even then he seemed to try to force things ....  especially the Camp David accords between Sadat (Egypt) and Begin (Isreal) - don't get me wrong, it was a good thing, but he practically held them hostage until they signed!

Joe Biden reminds me of him ... well a cross between him and Reagan ...

Like Carter, he has waited until election years to do anything about what the American people are worrying about .... and it is so blatant too.
But like Reagan, during his last year in office, he seems to need people to tell him what to do & say.
Have you seen the clip where he's reading his speech off the teleprompter, and he starts to read the "director" prompts as well .... "blah blah blah, pause ..." that's been making its way around for quite a while.
And he can never seem to find where he is supposed to go ... or if someone is able to stand up (I'm sorry, but how could he NOT have seen that man was in a wheel chair) ... 
And then there's the Dead Leaders Society that he seems to belong to...

Ronald Reagan got FLAMED because his wife, Nancy Reagan, brought in an astrologer to the White House, and they kept saying that the astrologer was the one who would "advise" the President about who got to see him, and what was put on his calendar & when!

Now you can see why I feel the way I do about Mr. Biden ... and it has NOTHING to do with his age ... it has everything to do with his mental capacity ...

He is no longer "Creepy Uncle Joe" who simply likes to sniff hair and give uncomfortable shoulder/neck rubs - a shiver just went down my spine - now he's just that pathetic guy at the hospital, moving his wheel chair not by turning the wheel but by using one leg ....
He's become that guy at the transportation spot, who is talking/mumbling to himself, but never seems to actually get on the bus/train/subway ...

Now, a chunk of this started shortly after his son Bo/Beau passed away - he took 4 years off and when he came back, he was no where near where he was (cognitively speaking) when he was Vice-President ...

Remember the whole Harris-Biden fiasco??
The person running for President's name ALWAYS goes first, VP second.

Well back to today .... now he is pushing student loans - more on this in a different post (if I remember to do it) ... Gas - for the second time he has released oil from the fuel reserve (the program that was put in place after the 70's gas shortages) - I will have to write a piece on this one as well ... Interest Rates, Biden is trying to get the Fed Chair to lower them, but the Chair wants to wait until later in the year, fearing it will cause people to spend spend spend - nevermind the people who are drowning in debt.

The  one that is blatantly standing out - like an elephant in the room - is immigration .... yeah, I know, but this encompasses it all ...
He has, even with the recent Executive Order, given "amnesty" to those who are already here - 800 of whom so far this year - have been found to be on the Terror Watch list!!

Remeber when he said there was going to be a "limit" as to how many people would be let in?
It turns out that Children are NOT the only exceptions -- there is supposed to bea huge list of "exceptions" to the rules ... and I haven't heard about any of it being in writings - just passed on "word of mouth"

Oops - I've gone off course again.

He reminds me of a Man ...
What Man?
The man with the Power!
What Power?
The Power of HooDoo
Hoo Doo??

You Do -
I do, what?

Remind me of a man 

Great routine -- great movie too ("Bachelor & the Boddy-Soxer) ... but it seems to be where I am with Biden ...

He reminds me of a Man ... kind of ... but I can't really say who. 

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