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Friday, June 14, 2024


I had missed 12Jun2024 episode of Good Morning America (ABC) - but luckily Xfinity had it saved on their system to watch for FREE ... its quite interesting ....

They had interviews with some of the JURORS

One juror said the intial  vote after the trial was 6-6 ...
That's a pretty big difference ...
He said they dlept on it and then the next day (in less than 2 hours) they were able to get a 12-0 vote.

That's a HUGE change of mind.

Personally, I agree with the verdict ... he did lie at the time he filled out the form.
I'm not quite sure what all 3 charges were but I know that one ...

It is the first case I've heard of them prosecuting such a case - but then, it could be that its just a misdemeanor and may not usually reaching to this level of court.

Or it could be that his is the first time it ever actually made it to court.

Any way you look at it ... this isn't going to simply go away any time soon.

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