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Thursday, June 20, 2024


So I'm watching Outnumbered (FNC) and they are talking about Lousiana's new law reguiring all public schools to have in EACH AND EVERY CLASSROOM a poster sized copy, in clear bold lettring, the 10 Commendments ... not the movie, the actual commandments.

Okay - this is OLD TESTEMENT stuff here, this will be important later.

It started about the way you'd think, 4 seem to be it, and one is not so much for it ... but Leslie Marshall said that if they were really concerned about children in Louisiana then they would do something to fight crime, they would do something to get out of the 49th spot for education (out of 50 states, she emphasised), and that they have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in the nation.

All good points ... she said that the way she was raised, she felt that she had already broke one of those commandments 'coveting' the shoes the other ladies were wearing .... wanting & taking are 2 totally different things, but I don't know which christian church she was raised in ... some say just the thought is too much ... I was raised "there should always be something you want"

Anyhow, she then went on to equate the 10 Commandments with CHRIST ... 

Um, NO

The 10 Commandments are in the Old Testament which means it is from the Torah - the Holy Book of the Jewish people - if you want a good reading of it, you will have to find either a Torah, or a PRE-Vatican II version of the Catholic version of the Bible (but the Torah is probably the best source).

It was during the time of Moses -- so Islamic/Muslim books don't have it ...

But then - after she got done ... and it went back to Harris Faulkner ... and this is where it turned kind of iffy to me ... Harris pointed out that Marshall had outed herself as being a former Christian


What the heck?

Are Fox viewers so ... mean, for lack of a better term ... that they would jump on this gal, or ignore what she said simply because of her religion???

I just found THAT more shocking than equating the commandments to christianity ...


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