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Friday, June 21, 2024


When will government learn?
When will they pay attention?

ANOTHER person has been killed ....
THIS TIME it sounds like it was ALL caught on closed circuit vieo ... surveillance cameras saw them up to the time they went UNDER A BRIDGE with the girl, by the sounds of it.

This one was in TEXAS

This one was 12 years old

They had both come from over the border, but not at a specified spot -- nope -- they both came in ILlegally ...

Both men were from Venezuela ... both had been CAUGHT .... both had been RELEASED into the country, with an appearance ticket for court so they could explain what made them "eligible for Asylum"

The girl, 13 years old - she had a whole life ahead of her - snuck out of her room (no word on what time that was), met up with these two guys (no word if she had meant to meet them).

They say the men and the girl went under a bridge (I'm going to guess they knew there weren't cameras there) .... they then DUMPED HER BODY into a bayou ... which floated down until it got caught up in a stream or creek ...
Where she was eventually found.

Perp #1 was 26 yrears old -Jose Pena Ramoz (I probably spelled that so wrong, sorry) - came in through El Paso on an UNKNOWN DATE, but he had just been picked up in MAY (less than a month ago) by border patrol .... and then released with a "Notice to Appear" in court at a later date - while I'm sure the Notice said exactly when he was to appear, it was not reported ....

Perp #2 - 21 years old - Johann Jose Rangal Martinez (Again, I apologize for the misspelling) - also entered ILlegally ... also received a "Notice to Appear" and then released ... 

The two of them were picked up at an APARTMENT COMPLEX not far from the murder scene ... remember, they have them on video, so this is NOT a set up ....

So this was some small Texas town, right?
Some town over by El Paso .... someplace no one ever heard of before ....

it happened in HUUSTON, TX

YUP - Big Ole Houston!!

Hold Crap!

It is one of those "Sancuary" cities ... eye roll here .... 

John Whitmire, who by the sounds of it was JUST voted in as mayor, wants them NOT to get BAIL ....
you don't say!

They are still trying to determine if she was sexually assaulted (oh I'm guessing they know, they have to wait until after the medical examiner gets done with a more IthoroughI examination) ....
Preliminary examination would be the one which determined that the most likely cause of death was STRANGULATION.

All they will really say is that the crime scene - under the bridge - is HORRIBLE!!!

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