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Thursday, June 20, 2024


So I'm watching Good Morning America (ABC) and they had a piece on how Subway, that sandwich place, is putting out a new "budget friendly" option ...

So they bring Doug Fry on .... he's the President of Subway - North America ((I've seen them in some videos out of the UK, but it never dawned on me that they would have the company split like this)) ... and he's giving his interview - spinning the usual web about how they are trying to help people get good choices at a reasonable rate ... yada yada yada ...

I'll talk about the $3 Foot Long Dippers at the end ... don't worry.

When suddenly I here this "clank" - it was more metallic than a thud, but duller than a clink, so I call it a clank ... and then it happens again ...
And again ...
And again.

I'm telling you - it got to the point where the ONLY thing I was lisening to was that dang CLANK.

I'm looking at this guy -- and I'm thinking, "ONG, he looks like a mobster - I bet he's got a PINKY RING or something"

Now I don't know if he does - but whatever he's banging on the desk is driving me nuts ... 

I'm sure its an unconscience thing he's doing - but in general, intentionally making noise when talking to someone is a POWER PLAY, it reminds them that you have control of the situation - and in the mob, it was often a reminder that if they hit you, it was gonna do some damage.
If he did NOT mean to do it, the "unconscience" part, then its actually a sign of insecurity - a "Look at me" type of thing ... it could also be a "grounding" sound, keeping him from getting nervous.

Either way -- DUDE -- STOP IT!!!!

Now about these dippers .. I have not tried them

They look like thin pieces of dough, rolled up with fillings - he mentioned a pepperoni & cheese one ... which you then get to choose a dipping sauce for.
You dip them - very much like a breadstick - into the sauce.

I will admit, what he mentioned - pepperoni and cheese - is just a pizza without the tomatoe sauce.
But $3 for a pizza isn't bad - especially these days

He said they have 11 different sauces to chose from ... they showed a clip with cheese sauce (like the liquidy stuff they put on cheap nachos), and he mentioned Sweet Onion Teriyaki sauce (wonder if there is any fish or seafood in that) ... 

If you've made your own bread - you realize how LITTLE it actually costs to do ... all you really need is flour, water, and yeast (a little salt for flavoring) but that's it!
Any egg or oil is simply extra ...

and YOU could probably make these for yourself for even LESS than $3 ... depending on how you do it.

So I'm looking at it and they look like a dough rolled just a little thicker than a tortilla, then it's filled, and baked.

Okay - use tortillas -- boom - you got it.
Yeah, they won't be as big, but its homemade, and you will be able to get more for your money.
For dips, well - cheese sauce, salsa, mayo, ranch dressing, pizza/spaghetti sauce, horseradish, salad dressings of your choosing, etc. sky's the limit!

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