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Sunday, June 09, 2024


Okay - so I finally got around to watching "Nightcast" = the local KSTP news program (evening) - and they had a story on the trial of the misappropriation of funds I mentioned in the last post.

According to KSTP .... the numbers have changed ... AGAIN...

They said 5 of 7 defenants .... were found GUILTY

There are also 70 other defendents in the wings waiting their cases to come to trial.

The seven on trial - 6 men and 1 woman - faced charges of conspriacy, wire fraud, bribery - 2 of the men were found NOT GUILTY ... 

I will not put the names up - yet - until after SENTENCING ... but it sounds like one defendant was found guilty of 23 of the 24 charges against him.

KSTP also reported that the total amount stolen was $250MILLION ... 

The money ws supposed to feed children during the Lock-Down ... but an audit (which seemed to take forever to do, btw) found that a good amount of those on the list whom they said they were serving, actually DID NOT EXIST any where in the Twin Cities area ...
And some of those who did exist, said they didn't know what the investigators were talking about when asked if they had reeived food from the group.

Remember - this took place in Minneapolis, which is a "Sanctuary City", therefore the people, even if they had been illegal, had NO reason to lie to investigators.

The bribery charges came after $120,000 was dropped off by a WOMAN at one of the juror's homes, along with a note asking them to acquit the defendants.
My understanding was that a bag had been handed to an Aunt of one of the jurors, and she had been told there would be more coming if the defendants got off.

But it does sound as if MORE THAN ONE juror was dismissed from the jury ... so it could be that each report was about a different juror.
One juror has only been identtified as "juror #52 ....  we will have to see what becomes of this.

Of the 70 (total charged) more than a dozen (12+) have PLED GUILTY 

So now - we wait ... for the other 60+ drendants to go to trial.

And ... as much as we might hope for it ... we likely will NEVER see that money again.

While it may have been a good idea ... can we please check these things out BEFORE we throw money at it???

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