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Sunday, June 09, 2024


WHOA - so I guess Fox news is considered by most of the other alphabet-shoup news stations to be what they call "Uber-MAGA" ... 
That Mr. Trump has them in his back pocket ...
That they are so anti-Democrat that they would stand behind Stalin if he ran for office .,.

Except this morning, I heard a SHORT blip in this image ...

They were doing a report on Mr. Trump and what he would do once he was in office - or specifically, about the Mr. Biden's Executive Order regarding the border.

He simply said that he was going to "roll back" the Border Policies which went into effect while Biden was in offiee ...

The REPORTER - the one doing the story, not the host - said that this meant he was going to stop the limitations of how many people can cross into the nation.

And while, yes, I'm sure this will include that .... he also talked about COMPLETING THE WALL 

Not that the wall actually stopped them, but it slowed them down .... 

Right now, the biggest issue with th wall will be MATERIALS ...
You see, the Biden administration, instead of finishing the wall where everything - including workers - were PAID FOR ... they cancelled those contacts (I'm still amazed those jobs weren't counted in the unemployment rates)
And the materials - fencing, pipes, concrete, fittings, wire, etc. - were left out in the elements (sun, wind, storms) for 2 years or so ... and then they SOLD it all ....

For PENNIES on the DOLLAR ....

It was a Bondoggle for the Biden administration -- that material could have been used for something ELSE instead of squandered like that.

But I'm getting off subject ...

Back to the reportr ....

It really isn't all that unusual for Fox News Sunday (Fox/FNC) has taken a less than enthusiastic tone about Mr. Trump .... and while I am likely to say it because of the host - it really isn't.
It just seems to be because the show airs first on the AFFILIATE stations, and later on the network station....
And if you change WHO the main consumer is, you  need to change the menu.

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