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Friday, June 07, 2024


 Okay - so the first case of the misappropriation of funds trial in MN ... 5 defendants (according to WCCO, it sound like there were only 5 on trial, but I thought KSTP said there were 6) ... 

All were found guilty.

Of the nearly $500,000 Million stolen .... only $50 Million so far have been recovered.

And, according to WCCO, 45 other defendants are awaiting their cases  ....

They have found that 2 JURY LISTS - which contain the name of the jurors and their ADDRESSES, geez - have gone MISSING ....

It was last seen with the DEFENSE TEAM ...

The court has subpeonaed the CELL PHONES of everyone at the defense table - yes, including the lawyers, by the sounds of it ...

They also served a WARRANT at one of the Defendant's house and took a LOT of evidence into custoday ...

Somebody's gonna be in trouble!
(You gotta picture Harley Quinn saying this with a spiked 2x4 on her shoulder)

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