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Monday, June 10, 2024


 So I decided - since I couldn't get back to sleep anyways - to see if I could locate a video of the At Issue (KSTP) interview of Royce White, the GOP endorsed nominee running against Sen. Amy Klobechar (I know I've spelled that wrong, sorry) ...

And boy what I ahave found!!!
It a ton load of crackers ... all topped with ... well - I can NOT believe he got the support from the party like he did ....
Minnesotans just aren't like this!

So here we go - clips from At Issue:

2 weeks ago:


9 days ago

      OMGs - 

How could they not have done ANY reserch on this man?!?!Why

Why would people want him in charge of MAKING LAWS and dealing with the COUNTRY'S FINANCES when he can't even pay CHILD SUPPORT - what's so hard about that? 
You fill out a form, have them take it right out of your paycheck! The woman doesn't have to do it, the guy can do it too - no fuss, no muss!
The business stuff - I can understand where he may not have been aware of all that ... but Child support??? You KNOW the mother(s) of those children were harrassing hi for it -- I have found online that he has several children (not going to say how many) but no information about if these were all wih the same woman, or not ... thus the (s) added to the end.

The one that made my jaw drop though were the contributins for his 2022 campaign ....
something like $320,000 - where 2/3 of it is "unkonwn" or "undocumented" means/places/donations ...
And of these $200,000  .... the MAJORITY of it came from OUTSIDE the state where he was running for office?????

NO ... No ... NO.

I'm sorry -- thre's just too many red flags right now.

White has a major mess in Aisle 7 to clean up here before the August primary -- I hope he can do it.

What he says is iffy enough - but his finances will surely give Klobechar a 3rd Term as Senator in the US senate!!!


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