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Tuesday, June 11, 2024


I know - I'm late ... my sleep schedule is all messed up - I was up most of the night sitting ... and .... "thinking", shall we say.
Don't know what I got into - but on the up side, I've just about got my "vinyl" and my "iron-on" seperated ... I just need to find a bigger box now (and I know I'm missing a bunch)

So -- let's go to Delaware - where I must admit, I am totally surprised!

The Hunter Biden verdict is in ....


The jury spent around 3 hours deliberating, by the sounds of it - and I'm wondering how much of that was for Lunch, and filling out paperwork.

It had been said that at the time that he filled out the form, he wasn't ON drugs ... theefore he didn't "lie".

They also claimed that he thought he had been cured of his addiction because he had gone to treatment ...


I have had 2 brothers who have had addiction issues - both for alcohol, and one for drugs as well .... well, marijuana (but at the time, it was considered an issue, and I'm sure I wasn't told everything)

When they both entered - back in the 1970-1990s ... they were BOTH told one simple phrase, which EVERYONE is told at the beginning of any program worth its weight ...


Because it's true ....
So, in my way of thinking, while he may not want to admit it - Hunter's lawyer LIED in court .... he should be held/tried for PERJURY ... but I'm not sure how they'd go about doing that.

I am totally surprised that they actually found him GUILTY though ... Delaware is "Biden Country" - before he was ever President, Biden was a HUGE name in the state ...

On The Faulkner Focus (FNC) had an interesting blurp of info ... 

The building in which the trial was held, was named after the senator whom Biden ran against when he first ran for the US Senate!!!

Very interesting - its almost like it was written on the wall.

Now - some background of Hunter Biden ...
He, as well as Bo Biden and his other sister, were in the car, when they were little kids, when his mother and that sister were killed.

It happened when they were all out going Christmas shopping if I remember correctly ... I want to say a semi-truck was involved but I don't remember that much detail.

I do remember that (then)Sen. Biden spent time at the hospital with his boys and they survived ... and while it would be easy to say "well he survived" ...

The anguish he must have felt, even as a child, which is oftern dubbed as "Survivor's Remorse" - must have been horrid!

And while I'm sure he got therapy as a child - he should have continued to receive it, as well as have an eye kept on him as an adult ....
It is not unusual for people who have issues as a child, but appear "fine" will develope problems later as an adult - even as old as in their 50's.

This does NOT excuse what he did, nor who he is ... it simply explains it.

SENTENCING will be in less than 120 days (4 months) ... I am waiting to hear what the actual date will be - when I hear it, I will post it AFTER this point, below. 

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