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Sunday, June 09, 2024


So I am trying to relax on a Sunday .... I am watching my last Sunday morning show - yes, I have stayed on top of it this week!

At Issue (KSTP) had a couple really good stories this week .... one on Ilhan Omar's current husband ... and then THIS one ... we'll do Omar's story latter, I think..

This man - Royce Whit (say that 3 times fast) - is NEW to the political world .... this should scare votrs - not because he's inexperienced, some of them are the best ones - but rather because of some of the stuff he says!

He is currently being looked at because of some form they have to share which shows how they have been spending the campaighn controbutions ...

I guess ALL spending has to be directly linked to the campaign .... things like a business trip .... 

Apparently - there's a question of some $45,000 which were on his expense records which flagged for not being itemized.

There were also checks/payments written out to a strip joint .... HE says it was for "catering" and that he enjoys the food at "gentleman's clubs" ...

Yeah - you go to those clubs JUST for the FOOD .... and teenaged boys only buy Playboy for the "articles" ...

He also claimed that  the people who looked at his forms are "partisan" .... like so many other departments in Washington D.C. ....
He says he "automatically" knows they are partisan.

He also APPEARS to link LGBTQ with "partisanhip" as well -- Tom Hauser pointed out that it really has nothing to do with what party you belong to, to which he immediately clarified that he believes LGBTQ deserve rights .... he says their rights are already protected constitutionally already ... but that we (America) is starting to go into an area which is much more dangerous.

Then he crossed a line!

He mentioned, in his "defense" about the LGBTQ rights statement, about how in St. Cloud (or Duluth, but he settled on St. Cloud) they put on a show of transvestite strippers for a group of toddlers.
I had not heard anything about this!
I would have thought Garage Logic (podcast/YouTube) whould have mentioned it - but then I don't always check in these days ....

Tom Houser said it was not his place to judge  ... and Mr. White leaned forward, tapping something on the table referring back to the possible misspent funds and said, "But you can pass judgement on this!"

Tom Hauser - he's been at this a long time, and kept his cool - simply said ... "These are facts and figures".

White is good at restating things, twisting them around ((reminds me of somebody, but I can't put my finger on it)) ... he then said that the reason he brought it up was because he wanted to know if it could even be talked about without a label of "Xenophobic" or "Transphobic" being put on people ....


Tom Hauser then jumped to the $1200 in funds which went to the strip club ... 
White told Hauser that he (Hauser) didn't answer the question about the St. Cloud incident.
Hauser - oh my god, if you can find a copy of this WATCH IT - answered that he was the one conducting the interview ... lol ... 
Tom Hauser is the Murphy Brown of Twin Cities television.

Hauser asked what the $1200 was for? What campaign expense that was for?
This is where the "food" comment came in

"Look - we're doing a full forensic of the 2022* campaign, trying to figure out what went wrong, what miscommunications, what missteps happened - there were things that were filed that probably shouldn't have been filed, there were things that were filed that maybe should have been reimbursed.  We're looking though all that now. We're looking forward to working with the FEC (at least I think that's what he said, FCC doesn't sound correct) .... to prove that everything was above board."

Then Hauser asked THE question ...

"Was there a campaign event at the Gold Rush strip club?"

"No ... actually ... we ... we got food catered from the Gold Rush, I believe, it was 2 years ago so I can't be perfectly sure," White said ...


It shouldn't matter if it was 2 years ago, or just 2 days ago, or even 2 hours ago ....
You HAVE to have better tracking of your money than this ...

There was another question about a car service (White said to please not call it a limo service) from Tampa, FL or Atlanta, GA ... its a little over 450 miles 
Hauser said most people would find that accessive ... to which White ansered that it would depend on if they were partisan.

DUDE - it was $5,000!! You thought it was "only" $3,000 until Mr. Hauser corrected you!

He blamed it on fight issues at the time ...
I think it would be interesting to see if there were flight problems at the time ... especially in Florida (remember he was going from Florida TO Georgia.


If this man is like this with his campaign - I would HATE to think of what he will be like with the taxpayer's money at his fingertips!!!

This guy actually recieved 60+% of the delegates to snare the GOP endorsement in MN for one of its 2 senate seats ...
If he's running for a seat to represent MN then why the heck is he fundraising in FL and GA????

And I don't know what the 2022 business was about - or why he is talking about it being 2 yrs ago ... I thought he said he was NEW at all this?

as George Takei would say ....

Oh MY!!!!

I have got to learn to watch the entire program first ...

(A)2022, he did in fact run in 2022 - so he must have been talking about being "new" back then
(B)He also took a car service from Atlanta, GA to Nashville, KY during that same timeline.  That adds another 250 miles to the trip!

So for $5,000 I want to know - how many days did he keep the car?
Usually, there's a perday rate, plus a charge for how many miles are put on the car ... 
Oh that would be interesting too!

Just how many MILES were put on the car?
If you've ever taken a road trip with your own car, you know how much can be added on when you jump off the highway for potty breaks, food stops, getting gas, etc.

Now I'm real curious!!!

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