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Sunday, June 16, 2024


So I'm watching This Week with .... (ABC) and they pull up Jane Yellan for an interview .... she is the 78th Secetary of the Treasury (apparently they don't count the "acting" secetaries who fill in between them) ...

But she's on the show being interviewed about a lot of things - and I'm listening to her - well, I was going to say "speak" but it seems like a huge struggle for her - not because she doesn't know what she's going to say, but she is trying to weigh HOW its going to come across so carefully ... almost TOO carefully.

I got it! She reminds me of bumbling Aunt Clara on "Bewitched" the old TV series!
Only thing is - I really liked Aunt Clara, she was this sweet old lady who tried her best but somehow managed to goof things up all the time.

And at $260,400/year - she better not be goofing up!

She reports directly to the President ... and interestingly enough, during the interview, she basically based ALL the inflation onto the HEalth Issues of 2020 .... if you know what I mean ....
She also said that Mr. Biden was responsible to inflation increasing at a "normal" rate now ... and tha, hey, people's wages had all jumped up as well.
Wait - she did not seem to address the fact that inflation skyrocketed when Biden first got into office ....
She blamed those on "cost of living" - cost of housing, cost of insurance, osst of healthcare, cost of food, cost of transportation ....

YEAH - So .... if you got a 2% raise during the time, you then "made more money", but it was no where near what you needed to live.

I'm beginning to wonder if, like during the Obama administration, the "unemployment numbers" aren't being played with as well ....
You will notice that the initial numbers are high, but 2 months later (if you are lucky enough to hear about them) the revised numbers drop quite a bit.
Also, if people "drop out" of the workforce - either retiring or not looking for work - they do NOT get counted into these unemployment humbers.
During the Obama years, the "created jobs" numbers were being played with by workers being "laid off" on Friday, but then "rehired" on Monday ... since they weren't out of work long enough to apply for Unemployment, the job loss wasn't counted, and since they were "rehired" for the same/simulat job, they DID count for the "new jobs" section.

There is also a question of WHAT KIND OF JOBS are being created - she did not say ... are they "seasonal" jobs? are they "construction" jobs? .... are they "white collar" or "blue collar" jobs?
What KIND of jobs are they??

But she just plugged on .... when asked about the price of goods being up 19%, eggs being up 84%, since Biden took over .... she admitted that the price seem quite high, but now they are increasing at a "close to normal rate", and Americans can see that ....


Wait - even during the Carter presidency he capped the cieling on food goods so people could afford them .... especially foods such as milk products ... but she just seems so out of it!

She tried to claim that incomes actually went up MORE than prices did during the last 3 years ....
NO -- that was back in the 1980's deary.
Back when inflation was like 2,8% or so ....

NO ONE's wages jumped by 19-20% in this country, unless you got a new job with the Biden Administration!
Many "white collar" workers (desk set) got raises of maybe 3-4% .... some just ONCE during that time period.
Many "blue collar" workers LOST THEIR JOBS, especially those working on the pipelines, because of ill coneived, politically based, "gotta get the votes" policies which were inacted during the FIRST YEAR of his term .... most of these families haven't recovered YET ....
If you don't believe me, check out YouTube!

Now I will say, she is from California .... the same state that gave us Kamala Harris .... and if you have ever looked at their financial system, you can probably see why she thinks the way she does.

But .... Aunt Clara .... yeah .... this one needs to RETIRE

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