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Saturday, June 15, 2024


Did you know Prince Harry has been questioned by the police for a shooting???

Okay - it happened back in 2007 ... and it involved an endangered bird -- Hen Harriers are a protected species of birds in Europe

According to the BBC series I've been watching, Secrets of the Royal Palaces, Season 3, Episode 1 "Buckingham Palace" .... there is an estate, Sandringham House, there is Dursingham Bog - which is open to the public, but it's like a National Park here in the USA ...

Two birds - witnessed by 3 members of the public - saw it happen, but they did NO see who had actually had shot them.
They were however able to tell which way the shots had come from ...

Sandringham House

The Police did their "due diligence" and asked the Grounds Keeper if any hunting parties had gone out that day ... he said "yes, but only one" - part of his job is to know who's taking out the guns/rifles from the palace ... 

So who was in the party?

Well .... one member of staff (I assume acting as a guide & gun hauler) ... a friend of Prince Harry ... and the Prince himself!!!

They searched for the bird carcasses, as they should have - but apparently not all that hard, but they did "search"
They were not found anywhere in any condition.

They "cleared" the Prince because of "Lack of Evidence" ... He was 23 years old at the time ...
And I have to wonder if in ANY of the books that he "wrote", if he has spoken of this incident ...
Or if anyone who was there, at the time, wrote about it.

It would be like .... one of the President's children shooting a Bison at Yellowstone - not out of self-defense, simple "because it was there"

I would hope there would be a better investigation here ... but I'm sure he got an ear full from the Queen - she loved nature, Prince Phillip more than likely would have been upset as well, but more so for the police having been called in.

If a Commoner shoots a Hen Harrier in the UK, they will be given a prison term & a hefty fine!!
Chances are, the Prince got a slap on th wrist.

I used to think of Harry as a male form of Princess Margaret ... but she would NEVER have done such a thing!

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