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Sunday, June 16, 2024


So I am watching Fox News Sunday (FOX/FNC) and they were talking about who might possibly be named as Mr. Trump's Vice Presidential pick ...

The host read a piece from The Washington Post, in which it was menmentioned hat Mr. Biden should replace Harris with Hillary Clinton (76 years old) because she is more willing to follow the current "agenda" and have the confidence of The People, so to speak.

And one of the Panelists - Susan Page, USA Today's Washington Bureau Chief - said:
"Guess what's not going to happen? That is someone like Harries being replaced on the Democratic ticket.  That's not going to happen, you know, fact is - we have no history of having elections depend very much on whoever the running mate is - Americans vote on who the top of the ticket is.  That's why the general theory is to Do No Harm when you pick a Vice-President ..."
Wait - where did she ever get that idea?

In 2008, when it was Obama/Biden vs. McCain/Palin - the VP had a LOT to do with the pick (and the fear of being called "racist", I do believe) ... but still - people would rather have Biden as VP than have Palin one step away ...

During the 2016 election, people figured Trump wasn't going to stick around for all 4 years and that Hillary was going to be arrested/convicted/whatever during her time so she wasn't going to serve her full term either .... the VP choice was a huge deal then .... and people actually voted for Pence to complete the term.

During the 2020 election - that was a fluke, if you ask me ... if it had not been for the difference in how the states ran their elections, based on how the CDC was coming out with outrageous "recommendations" .... don't get me started, please!

But this year - we are back to "status quo" .... at least for now ... where we will have 2 people who are seen fairly equal in the eyes of people - the VP choice can, and likely will make a difference in who gets the votes ...

That is, unless there is some "shnanigans" which go on .... within the limits of the law - all perfectly "legal" but still "unfair" in the eyes of the majority of Americans ... which will go against all the polling data.

BTW - even the pollsters said that in 2016, when polls were taken, they had a record number of people NOT giving an opinion - "undecided"s - because people were AFRAID of the repercussions of expressing their opinions.

And I think that will happen again - in fact, it already is!
If you express ANY perceived "conservative" thought, you will be labelled "MAGA" or whatever the term is these days.  You will be called "racist" if you think there needs to be tightening of the borders. 

So who do you think will be the GOP, Mr. Trump, VP pick?

I lean towards Sen. Scott myself - he's a bright guy, who gets his point across even though he didn't do so well in the debates because he's a Southerner who just can't speak as quickly as Northerners ....
But even Harris could make him flounder, I think - Californians are some of the fastest talkers (next to NYers).

And I still think Nikki Haley would be the BEST choice for Mr. Trump -- she catches the votes of he "Independants" but her veiw on abortion actually goes against the views of Mr. Trump (at this point at least).

We will have to see ...

And YES - the VP pick, really DOES matter .... 9 VPs have become Presidents ....
One of those - Gerald Ford - was NEVER even ELECTED into the role as VP!
Ford, took over when VP Spiro Agnew was IMPEACHED and REMOVED from office over allegations of financial fraud .... I just don't remember if the charges were from when he was Governor or VP ...

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