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Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 Ok - I have begun to watch Outnumbered (FNC) .... and right at the beginning of the show, President Joe Biden released the following statement (and then I've got more to say at the end):

"As I said last week, I am the President, but I am also a dad - Jill and I love our son, and we are so proud of the man he is today.  So many families who have had loved ones battle addiction, understand he feeling of pride - seeing someone you love come out on the other side and be so strong and resilient in recovery.  As I also said last week, I will accept the outcome of this case, and I will continue to respect the judicial process as Hunter considers and Appeal = Jill and I will always be there for Hunter and for the rest of our family with our love and support. Nothing will ever change that." 

We will see what happens as the year goes by ... I would hope that Mr. Biden will allow Hunter to face the conseuesnces - it may be the only way he will be able to actually "kick" the addiction.
Stand behind him, yes - but don't hold his hand - let him stand on his own two feet ... Let him see for himself that he can do this - that he DESERVES the pride you are feeling for him, as you say you do.

Many kids, especially those who's parents are in the spotlight or at the top of a profession - tend to feel as if such statements, such as this, are only released because they "have to be" in order to "save face" ....
More often than not - allowing them to find out exactly what they are made of is a better way of handling it.
Even in the suppor groups for those with addiction, they will tell you - You HAVE to let them discover this all on their own.

Now, about the "more later" statement (before the Presiden's statemen) - so I'm watching the news program - when suddenly it becomes clear that there is hooting and honking going on in the background ....


Why the heck is there CELEBRATIONS going on over a man being sentenced?

I don't care if its Hunter Biden, Mr. Trump, or Joe Schmoe == KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!!!!

This was a horrible day for SOMEONE -- show some self respect!


The Reporter did say that during the reading of the verdict, Jill Biden had left the building and hadn't made it back yet ... His sister, Alexandra, was in the hallway (apparently, she served in the main core of the Delaware state law system - so this will be interesting!), but was not in the court room while the verdict was read ... 
His uncle, Jimmy was there though - and it's been said he looked "very angry" when the GUILTY verdict was read ...

Also - it sounds like the jury did deliberate YESTERDAY for about an hour, before calling it a night.
So they must have had a bit of a split vote at one point, which was settled today.

Although - I suppose I would be the person who would vote against the majority, if I thought everyone was leaning one way or the other, just so things would have to be well considered.

Not "12 Angry Men" style, but just a bit of discussion to make sure no one is just voting to get out of there.  You know what I mean??

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