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Wednesday, July 03, 2024


Appearently, "back to normal" is a relative thing - at least when it comes to the federal government.

But actually, the issue is the fact that buildings have to be heated/cooled whether there are workers there or not .... maintainance crews (a.k.a janitors) must still work ... security must still be supplied.
Any way you look at it, it's costing just as much, if not MORE, than before the 2020 redistribution of workers.

So the question in many congresspeople's minds is ... where the heck are all the workers?

Especially those of the Department of Education - only 83% of their employees are working from home ... still!!!

and Health and Human Services has 81% of their workers calling it in!!

And while "working from home" might have been an innovative way to deal with the problems of 2020 .... its 4 years latr now - so why aren't thre more workers back in the buildings??

There is now a movement to CUT the budgets of agencies with such low numbrs of on-site employees by up to 50%!
That can be a real kick in the pants, as most of the agencies are getting Millions of dollars in the triple digits!
No word as to whether this budget goes for paying bills for the buildings though.

Partt of the issue is the UNION which covers over 700,000 federal employees ... their opinion is, well, since Congress is only in session for half a year, they should just understand.

"They are doing their jobs part of the time in DC, part of the time back in their district. It makes sense, and there are many, many federal jobs that make just as much senseto have established as hybrid." Jacqueline Simon, American Fed of Govt Employees

Ma'am - I put it before you that congresspeople MUST do their job this way for 2 very important reasons ...
1)They must return to establish residency in order to represent their district
2)They need to return so they can listen to, meet with, people FROM their district which may not have the means to travel to DC to discuss ongoing issues or new ideas.
Basically, its the way the position was set up from the BEGINNING of this nation!

What happens in the general population should NOT impact how things work in DC ... nor vis a verse!

This was an issue which the civilians in the US warned about - that like summer vacation, the federal employees would never want it to end.

In general, the UNION says that if the employees go back, it will cause "Brain Drain" and many will leave the federal work force causing an employment issue ...

But there are some in DC which say Biden is allowing it because he wants the federal employees to vote for him.


Remember, the Federal Government REQUIRED ALL FEDERAL EMPLOYEES to get the shot(s) in order to KEEP their JOBS!!!
So there should have been NO REASON for this to have continued for so long ... or still!

Maybe - just maybe - they should make ALL employees work from home, and then open the federal buildings as Homeless Shelters or Housing for ILlegals .... the only thing they would need to do, in many cases, is add more bathrooms and eating centers.

I would also charge them a minimum amount of "rent" to help pay for the buildings.

Hey - its bettter than leaving the buildings only 17% occupied!

Personally - I'd rather see them put their butts in their chairs

Brain Drain, really?? 

So what do you think would happen if they went back into private workspaces?
Do you think they are going to get to work from home?
Chances are, the majority of them would become classroom teachers - mostly because they would have no choice ... there isn't a lot of call for people with their particular skills.

Although - wouldn't it be interesting to have MORE teachers than JOBS available???

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