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Tuesday, July 02, 2024

SUPREME COURT: The Verdict (according to ABC)

THE big case of the US's lifetime is in .... at least according to the alphabet soup of news stations are saying it is .... Whether it is or not won't be known for ions yet - since the US continues on.

Basically - the Supreme Court said that whatever the President does as an OFFICIAL act of his presidency ... i.e. "Core Acts" which cannot be done by any other Branch of Power .... is "immune"
But since this case was RUSHED to the Supreme Court, they could not look at the parts of the case and determine if they, themselves, were immuned or not -- so they sent the case BACK DOWN to the lower courts to figure out that part of it.
And, I assume, if there are any more problems with what exactly is being charged, it can return back to them for a rurther looksee.

Here is what the Majority ruling of the court said: (These vary sttation by station, so I will also identify which show I got them from)
Good Morning  America IABC)
"The President .... may not be prosecuted for exceercising his core constitutional powers ... // ... is entitled, at a minimum, to a presumptive immunity from prosecution for all his official acts. ..  ... not everything the President does is official.  The President is not above the law." (dots were theirs, not mine. // indecated a placard change) Chief Justice Roberts, 
"... the President is now a king above the law. // Order the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune.  Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune.  Takes a bribe in exchange for a Immune.  Immune, immune, immune.  With fear for our democracy, I decent." Justic Sotomayor, for the Dissenting opinion

I will be adding in more bits of what was said as the day goes on ... maybe I will add in the title which station I base the post unpon.

Okay - first .... it does NOT say the President has absolute immunity ... far from it!  As far as the "Bribery" goes - I think that had already been looked at under several other presidencies .... generally those in the 1800's.
Also - there have been LOTS of cases where presidents have been challenged by the courts ... the most famous is FDR, who wound up "packing the bench" in order to get things to go his way!

This will simply mean ... life goes on.
And Sotomayor .... is there something we should know about?  Which President(s) were YOU thinking about?  Assassination? Really?? I'm sure the "bribery" has likely already happened (within my lifetime? Whitewater) .... but lady .... mellow out!

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