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Wednesday, February 19, 2025


Okay - I have been keeping up with my news shows so far this week, but a clip of Trump on Shawn Hannity's show on Fox News CHannel - I don't watch this one, it's too partisan for me - Hannity asked How Much Money did  Trump think they would find?

Trump said that what they have found so far is about 10% of what waste is out there ... and claimed it was a "drop in the bucket" ....

So far?


Where did it go?

Well according to Trump - part of the money went to go clip the tip off a bunch of African men .... yess - we paid for CIRCUMCISIONS of men in an African nation (I don't recall which one) ..... but - excuse me????  Why are we paying for ANYONE'S circumcision????

The taxpayers don't pay for it in America - we sure as poop shouldn't be paying for it in anyone else's country!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025


sO -I nearly missed this .... yesterday during the preview of what was coming up on Fox News Channel, the upcoming show hosst gave out a startling statistic and a legit question ....

ILLegal (Southern) Border Crossings - he did not specify, but I'm pretty sure it really should be - are DOWN 95% just since Trump got back into office ..... Biden said it would have taken an Act of Congress to do this ....

So how can this be???

Well - #1 - Let. Border Patrol Do. Their. Jobs!!!  Biden used them as glorified "babysitters" for the most part.

#2 - DON't ALLOW THEM IN.   you know darn well that the "run for the border" wouldn't have been so massive if, even once, Biden had allowed the patrol to try to hold the line.

Unforturnately - after the biased photo and the claims that horse patrol was using their reins to whip crossers - which was very inaccurate - leading to those officers being fired - when all that happened, the call went quickly that they weren't going to stop any crossers.

If anything, we are lucky we didn't lose TEXASS - I honestly think that if Biden had won the election, Texas would have been looking at succeeding from the Union .... especially if either Harris or Walz had gotten in .... 

Most people don't realize that part of the Texas constitution gives them the right to become an independant nation - it can ever split into 5 different states, if it so chooses.

BUT - how is it that Trump could do what Biden swore he could not??

It really makes you wonder - when did he become a "puppet president"?  I'm guessing a lot sooner than we ever realized.


Sunday, February 16, 2025


I am trying very hard this week to keep up wih the Sunday News programs .... but the best clip of the weekend, which I saw - I know I don't watch all he programs, but this was awesome .... was when Marco Rubio was being interviewed by the hostess on Face the Nation (CBS) and the subject of Free Speech came up ...

And Margaret Brennan (I think that was her name) made a comment of how Free Speech was used during World War 2 as a weapon ....

And Rubio let her have it with both barrels (filled with rock salt, of course - won't kill ya, but it hurts like an S.O.B.) ..... He pointed out that in Germany during WOrld War 2 there was no free speech .... that there were very few personal freedons .... etc. etc.

It's kind of refreshing to hear someone from DC who actually paid attention to the SUBJECTS be taught in shool for a change.

Friday, February 14, 2025


I am actually watching oday's episode of Outnumbered (FNC) and they were talking about DOGE (Department of GOvernment Oversidght) which is being ran by Elon Musk ....

And it suddenly dawned on me .... why Tim Walz was chosen as the Vice Presidential nominee ....

Minnesota is racked to he gills wih FRAUD/SCANDALS ....  we're talking about food programs which claimed to fee more kids than there were kids IN the city where the program was supposed to be taking place .... we're talking HealthCare services where there was only one cerified person on the payroll for 4 different sights, the rest were supposably related somehow to the kids who were supposably getting the services .... we're talking DayCares where when you go during the day - there's NO ONE THERE!!!!!

And now there's a new one - the Peace Keepers Violance Interrupters - the difference between the two appears to be that the V.I. is made up of former gang members, which is okay - kids need to know, there is a way OUT of gangs- Mpls. City COuncil decided that they had to have a civilian ran "de-esculating force" .... but NOT more police.
Why is this the newest scandal?

Because the person they chose to run the program, actually TRIED to run it like it was supposed to by run.

She started having to turn down reinbursement claims becuase they weren't giving her reciepts - as seen by the US Government .... the IRS.

When she resigned she suggested that the office be turned over to Henipenn County instead of the city ....

But why?

Theories abound that she was getting harrassed for turning down the "reciepts" she was given .... and she felt someone on the City Council had their hand in he cookie jar as well ....

But will all these scandals going on in MN - and all the Democrats going nuts over DOGE looking into how the Federal funding is being spent .... it gotta make you wonder WHY 

It's almost like "I think he doth protest too much!"

So of course they would want someone in the WH who would be less likely to actually know what the heck they were doing ....

It explains the last 4 years as well.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

EXCUSE ME///////

So, in England, they are throwing a hissy fit over Legos.

Because they claim they are anti-trans .... how???

Well because the bumpy sides are called "male" and the indented side is called "female" and putting the two sides togeher is called "mating" ....

First - these are actually ENGINEERING TERMS .... even plugs are called male and the outlet is the female part ....

Get over it!!!

BUT - I say .... if someone is talking to my kids/grandkids about "Male", "Female" and "mating" .... I've got a couple things to say to you ...

Me and my SLEDGEHAMMER will be talking a whole different language!

I think somebody has way too much time on their hands.


So, when the network news stations start poining ou your issues - you know you are in trouble .... if you're a democrat, at least.

Good Morning America (ABC) this morning reported that the charges against NYC mayor Adams have been dropped - and it said that the reason he was charged in the first place was because he dared to Critize the Biden Administrations immigration policies .... well, basically what he said was NYC couldn't take any more illegals and they couldn't afford it any more eiher.

Well, you can't tell DC they were wrong - so they went after him charging he had done "this" and "that" and took campaign contributions disguised as trips .... um .... pretty sure you all would have ignored it all if he hadn't spoke out against your policy.

And so did the Justice Dept who dropped the charges


 Yup - you read that correctly

There has been ANOTHER deadly plane crash - this time in TX .AZ ... and the plane a private plane owned by a company which is owned by a member of the rock band, Motley Crue...

The lead singer's girlfriend was aboard the plane but he was not.

Thee have been reports of landing gear on the armack, so they are curently thinking that is the reason behind the crash.

The plane was approaching without incident when suddenly it slid off he side of the runway, and into a parked aircraft.

One person died .... but no word yet as to who hat person was nor where they had been at .... on a plane, on the ground, running into help.

Monday, February 10, 2025


Did you hear that President Trump wants to get rid of all the pennies??  

And just to show how spoiled people are these days - they are agreeing with him!!!

I love pennies .... they are the unsung heroes of the monetary system.

A little bit can go a long way, and adds up quickly.

I say in order to show our loyalty to the penny, on Presidents Day (2024 February 17th) we should pay with CHANGE .... in particular, pennies.

I grew up in a large family, 7 kids, so every penny counted .... In "Superman 2" there was a character played by Richard Pryor (before the burning incident) and he questioned what happened to all the partical pennies which people didn't get paid .... so he had the computer put all those fractions into one check .... in his name ....

It was a brilliant concept!  He wound up getting a check for over a million dollars in a week doing this.

I wanted to be just like him - until I realized it was a forn of stealing.

BUT - pennies can be used to teaching fractions - many kids can't understand the concept of fractions until you put it into money .... 

Yes - it currently take 3cents to mint a penny - but nothing says a penny has to be made with a copper top .... why not mint them out of some cheaper materials if price is the only issue??


I'm saving all my pennies from now on .... beside the wheat pennies ... soon ALL pennies will be worth more than face value.

and remember ....

it's a PENNY for your thoughts, not any other coin


Okay - so most people don't realize it, but the President of the United States is the Presdiident of the BOY Scouts ,... the First Lady is the head of the Girl Schouts ....

During they 1970s there was a movement by some feminists to force the Boy Scouts to allow girls in .... but there doesn't seem to be any boys trying to get into the GIrl Scouts ....

But, the Boy Scouts moved with the times and opened the Sea Scouts to girls back then .... but this just wasn't enough ....

Meanwhile - the Girls Scouts began to change the things they would do as well.

When I was in the Brownies & GS, we learned to do camping, and wood crafts, we learned to sew, and cook, we learned what we needed to in order to live in todays world.

By the time my girls joined GSA - it had changed so much.
No more camping skills, no more woodland skills, no more baking ... but there was plenty of money-making items they could learn - not just selling cookies - alhough that became the biggest part of the year .... but also fundraising for the troop and district during the year as well.

When they took out the camping element - I hink they took away a lot of the draw of being a Girl Scout .... it became more about "business" than anything else ....

Badges were gone -- it used to be that you could work towards a particular badghe, be it for computing, sewing, or cooking .... but when you finished the set of skills you were supposed to learn, the girls would earn a badge or a pin.

When my girls got there it was more about earning a block (a hexagon) of skills before you recieved a badge.

So many troops began to give out "Patches" for different events which they would host .... hayrides, pool parties, space camp, etc. and the girls loved to get these - most of the time, just being there was enough to get the patch .... but since they weren't "official" scout badges, they had to be put on the back of the vest/sash.

EVerything changed so much - I can see why many girls would rather go to the more structured Boy Scouts ....

Well - now the Boy Scouts have simply become "Scouting America" .... kind of scary actually - but you have to know the history of WW2, and what Hitler did with his scouts.

What is so wrong with BOys being boys and GIrls being girls?????

Let's get back to teaching the kids what they will need to survive when all the electricity & gas gets too expensive to use .... Let's teach them how to mend their own clothes, etc.

Everything my moher knew during the Great Depression, so if it hits again, we won't be at the worlds mercy.

Personally - I would love for them to teach the kids all the Prepping skills they might need .... including gutting a rabbit or squirrel and how to cook it up.


Sunday, February 09, 2025


So - the word is that the FAA and those looking over the aircraft involved have sound that the BLack Hawk had a key system turned off ... the ADSB .... 

But it is ALLOWED to be turned off during "Training MIssions"

I'm going to guess that i likely is the thing that would have given a warning to look out, there's something in front of you!

And I'm going to guess, that this likely will no longer be allowed to be turned off ....

But nothing has been decided as of yet.

And there has been no definate word that it is what caused the crash to happen ....

Reagan Airport though is going to start cutting their flight numbers from 28 flights/hr to only 26 flights/hour ,,,,, hmmmm ... not sure how much that is going to help - other than lessen a little bit of the stress i the ATDT .... and after living threw he late 70s and early 80s when Reagan went through the ATC strike .... I can see where it might help a bit.

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