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Monday, July 16, 2007

Hogwarts Questionaire

Okay I saw this on several other blogs of other members so I think I may just not have gotten the email hey, I'll pull a Hermione and jump the gun! After all, she is the smartest witch in her class.

Hogwarts Sock Swap Questionnaire
1. What Hogwarts house have you been sorted into? Slytherin, with deliciously dreamy Professor Snape (I prefer the book colors of Silver & Emerald to the movie colors of Grey & Green)
2. Shoe size? Size 9 (or a loose size 8)
3. Foot Length? 9.5inches from heel to toe
4. Foot Circumference? 8.75 inches at ankle, 8.5 inches at the ball
5. List your three favorite double-point needle brands, including size and length.
  • Boye 7 inches long, sizes 1-3 for socks depending on the yarn/pattern/look I want
  • Susan Bates 7 inches long, size 0 (actually these came in a set of 5 different sizes, and are the only Bates needles I like)
  • Boye (see above).....I very loyal to the Boye name---my crochet hooks are Boyes, my needles are Boyes, the majority of my tatting shuttles are Boyes.

6. Would you like to try a new brand needle? If so, which brand? Size? Length? Well, I'm always up to try something new, I would like to try some wooden ones but I realize they are very expensive and don't expect them from my partner. Anything over 7" I think gets too long for socks, sometimes I wish my Boyes were an inch shorter. Any size is fine...right now I'm waiting for a set of 0000's to go on sale...I want to try some mini-knitting.

7. If you are a RAVENCLAW, do you prefer the colors in the film or the book? Do you have a strong preference? I do however prefer the Silver & Emerald (since it contrasts the Scarlet better than Green) to the Movies Grey & Green.

8. Allergies? Do you have any? Will your knitting be exposed to smoke or animals? I am allergic to cats and fish...very sensitive to the cat dander (my lips puff and my eyes swell)

9. Are you an international participant (outside US)? Are you willing to have an international Hogwarts Sock Pal? I am not an international participant (US) but I'm afraid going international right now is a bit outside of my funding, so not this round I'm afraid...sorry!

Well that's it for now....I wonder if I have to post this on the Swap page too? Maybe I'll stop in and put in a link.

Blessings and Twilight!!

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