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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

A fun show

Okay so I have an idea for a cooking show...a blend of "Top Chef", "Hell's Kitchen", and "Iron Chef"...only instead of finding out what ingredient they can work with, they find out what item they can't work with...why?

Because chef's get into comfort zones where they use the same ingredients over and over just reworking them out...but in the real world there are lots of stuff that people can't have.

There are numerous food allergies out there that are ignored by restraunts--in fact I have a severe fish allergy where just smelling it raw or cooked will cause breathing issues--raw my sinuses fill/cooking my throat swells up--so you can imagine the number or restraunts I can not go to.

They would be split into given a specific food type to make (like they did with the low cloresterol diet on "Top Chef")...but be told they can't use one basic ingredient, nothing that would ruin the dish but make it more challenging.

They could eliminate say: eggs, fish, wheat, nuts, coconut, milk & dairy, etc. I'm sure they can get the top 20 list from the FDA since it is now requiring manufacturers to list the top allergins they use in their food.

Go on, check...your milk container says "Caution: this product contains milk"
Okay I'm just joking about that least its not on my container, but then we don't buy it in cartons.

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