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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Myanmar? Where the hell is THAT??

Violent crackdown launched in Myanmar - Yahoo! News

Well had to do some research....well, okay I googled it and found a map....and found that most people already know this country from "The King & I" and "Anna & the King", we just don't know it.

Why its BURMA!! Or at least it used to be....I guess they went thru a name change in 1989--who knew? Certainly not the reporters I've heard on the radio they keep referring to the place as Burma.

So does this mean we need to start calling them Myanmir Bulls? Or are they like Siamese cats, who got to keep their name even though Siam became Thailand?

Oh, some may be wondering how Burma was in the movies....remember TipTin the girl who was sent to marry the king? She is from Burma....and the King's son, and future king, makes a comment that the map of Burma that Miss Anna brought is wrong because it shows that Burma is bigger than Siam.

That's real comment on the story except--how bad does a government have to be to piss off MONKS????

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