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Monday, November 05, 2007

Like this is new?

Screen violence tied to boys' aggression: study - Yahoo! News Pssst! you guys really wasted your money on this study....the University of Minnesota proved this exact same thing back in the 1980's...thank you. BTW, yes the same thing is seen in girls but at a smaller rate; the one thing the study does not say it looked at was what factors impacted these children's lives between the time they studied them at ages of 2-5 and then when they checked in 5 yrs later.

Now everyone be careful...there's a couple of things you need to remember.
1. all the children in the study appear to be from Chicago (enviroment has a play in this too)
2. only 300+ kids were studies and only 100+ of those were boys and of those boys only 25 or so showed signs of "serious problems" with violence

BTW....define "serious problems with violence"?

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