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Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Hmmm, good question

The Denver Post - Birth leave sought for girls

so the girls are only asking for 4 weeks maternity leave....most jobs give 6 weeks (required minimum in my state) the question is:

How does the college system in Colorado deal with maternity leave amongst its students?

If the UofC is anything like our state university, it is getting most of its funds thru public money which means that the same rules that apply to them should also apply to the local state run high schools.

so if a student has a baby during a semester at UC what happens? Are they given maternity leave? Do they have to meet the same deadlines as everyone else?

What about daycare? in my state, babies are not allowed to begin daycare until they are 6 weeks old (thus the reason we have a 6 week mandatory maternity leave law)....what is the minimal age in Colorado?

They ae all considerations.

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