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Thursday, January 10, 2008

SAYS WHO??? - Greenwich, Conn. School Bans Desserts

Okay this campaign against parents is really starting to piss me off!!

Now they are attacking homepacked lunches??

So let me get this straight....they give you the option of saving the $60/mo. for a school lunch by allowing you to send a lunch from home and now they are going to tell a parent what they can put in that lunch??

If they were really concerned about what the kids are eating then they would have school lunches for free....repeat that please?.....Yes I said free!!!!

Actually if you think about it, the kids should be getting it free anyways because we have already paid for it all with our taxes...its either that or the price you pay is a usary tax---which, at least in our state, is against the law.

But anyways, I wander.

They are our kids....we have the right to feed them as we see fit.

If we want to give them PB&J every day for a year that's our choice....if we want to give them chocolate cake and grapefruit juice in their lunch, that's our choice too.

If I had sent something in my kids lunch and found that the principal or a teacher ordered it to be pitched out because it wasn't "healthy enough" I'd be so pissed!

Food allergies are a whole different kettle of fish---but it should be the kid that's allergic that needs to change his pattern not the kids that aren't.

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