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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

your money in action

Pelosi pushes gourmet menu - Josephine Hearn - "A fruit and cheese side dish with two small wedges of brie and cheddar, six grapes, two saltines and one strawberry cost $4.95, for example."
Okay get a plate, might as well make it a bread&butter plate (that's the small one that came with your set but not the one for your coffee cup)...on it put 2 crackers...1 strawberry...6 grapes...a couple of slices of cheese (just those little block cheeses like you see in those samplers at christmas time).
Now do YOU think that is worth $5?
Of course this is the age of payng $10 for a cup of coffee without even thinking about maybe some people don't see a problem. But I know I would have an issue paying that much.
Also, understand that the TAXPAYERS have paid for ths shift...when we need money for so many other I'm all for healthier eating, but I'm also for congress to use our money wisely.
Make no mistake-while, yes, they are paying for their meal...WE THE PEOPLE are paying for the stuff that gets thrown out because it didn't get eaten quick enough and spoiled, the cups that 'melted' like packaging popcorn because its made of corn-starch, and paying for the multi-shaped recycle bins.
While I commend Pelosi for wanting to make things better--I think she took a great mis-step here. Why is she worried about the cafeteria when there are people out of work...and there is a homeless issue...and gangs & drugs running wild???
Her energies are SOOOOOO out of place here.
I call for a vote of 'no confidence'

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