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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hate making light of this....but....

The Associated Press: 8 Wounded in Los Angeles Street Shooting:
"Police are searching for a gunman who wounded eight people at a busy South Los Angeles bus stop and trying to figure out why he opened fire into a crowd of children and adults.
Armed with a semiautomatic handgun, the man apparently was aiming at somebody but missed his target and shot others at the bus stop just after schools let out Wednesday, Lt. Ruben De La Torre said."
They've got this going on and yet the city council felt they just had to pass madatory sterilization of pets dogs (notice that cats weren't effected at all---discrimination!!)

Seriously though....WTF? What would be so bad that you would have to take a semi-automatic weapon in public and actually use it?? C'mon people! There is no honor in this. If you are going to kill someone the least you can do is make sure they are the only one's who get hurt.

I've always said that guns are a coward's weapon....even a dog can pull a trigger....the dumbest labrador can do it....heck, one of those squeeze-it-out-the-window-to-walk-it dogs could do it....what's the big deal with just spraying a bunch of bullets out there.

I mean if you can't hit the side of a barn with a weapon like that then you're beyond hope. That's why the military uses them--because you don't have to have a lot of intelligence to use them.
Not that the guys in the military are dumb....I've known several, dated a few, and they are really quite bright...its just that when you are in the middle of a battle you don't want your troops having to stop to think of all the steps they have to got thru in order to take out the enemy. Point-n-shoot works great in this situation.

Disclaimer: I do not condone violence on any account. I feel that talking is always the first choice--but I do not see anything wrong with self-denfense.

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