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Monday, February 04, 2008

UPDATE: Ann Coltier Supporting Clinton & Scary Ass quote from Hillary

Okay during the "This Week...with George Stephanopolus" show Clinton had this to day about Ann:
STEPHANOPOULOS: We're just about out of time. What do you make of the fact that Ann Coulter says she's going to support you if John McCain gets the Republican nomination?
CLINTON: Well, that this will be an interesting election, all the way through, George. You never know -- strange bedfellows and all of that.

I often wondered about her....
and then later in the same answer:

....You know as well as I do that, at the end of every election, independent voters are often drawn back to a fundamental question: Who can protect and defend the United States of America?
And although security is not foremost on the agenda, there is no predicting what the agenda will look like come next fall.

Since when is security not foremost on the agenda????
My Gods, National security, homeland security, world security, monetary security, social security, etc ARE the agenda!!!! Where the FUCK has she been?????

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