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Monday, April 28, 2008

Holy Crap

Gasoline May Soon Cost a Sawbuck - April 28, 2008 - The New York Sun:
"Oil recently hit an all-time high of nearly $120 a barrel, more than double its early 2007 price of about $50 a barrel. It closed Friday at $118.52.
The forecasts calling for a jump to between $7 and $10 a gallon are based on the view that the price of crude is on its way to $200 in two to three years."
Okay I can see where this can happen. And I can see it happening a lot sooner that two or three years down the road.
As long as the governments don't to something to discourage this type of thing ... they can charge as much as they want!
And do you know who will really suffer from it? not mommy & daddy -- the kids. It will change everything from the cost of living -to- the price of milk -to- the cost of toys -to- the price to bus them to school -t0- the cost of field trips to get them out of the classroom.
Yep, they will be effected the most. There goes the pizza and the Happy Meals!
Who would have thought that the price of gas would ever have DOUBLED in a year???
I say we just all go back to horse & buggies.
Maybe the Amish have known something all along.

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