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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

38*F? It’s the end of MAY‼

What the heck??!

Okay so this weekend we went to the cabin … it will be a rare treat this year with the gas prices the way they are. Granted its only about 1 ½ hrs. from the house if hubby books it, 2 hrs. if he decides to drive 'nicely', 2 ½ hrs. if he wants to make sure their aren't any new fingernail marks scraped into the back seat (I have to sit in back otherwise I tend to grab the driver). But it's the gas prices (and to some extent scouts) that will keep us from going up very often this year. ~but I digress, imagine that~

So we went to the cabin – it's the perfect place to give the dog a very thorough, complete brushing. We have a fire pit that the hair can be put into and used as kindling, and if the hair gets all over no biggie, the wind will blow it to where the birds will grab it for nesting. Well the wind – that was an understatement.

We are sitting out there in the sun – which suddenly blinked out – and the wind changed. It started to come in very cold, wintery puffs – anyone from the Midwest will tell you 'this is not a good sign' – well its been a whacky spring so we didn't think too much of it … we knew something was in the air, but c'mon its May! We don't need to worry until it gets to +80F and the humidity is around 65 – 80%...just that tropical stuff.

This was actually shaping up to be a nice comfy day…in fact the reason I went out was to disturb hubby who was enjoying his book way too much (I got bored with my crocheting and the movies the kids wanted to watch) … and I intended to brush the dog. ~look, I'm digressing again~

Well we got a great laugh when the kids discovered that you can't play Frisbee around the dog – apparently she sees it as some sort of menace, because she was going to try her best to teach it a lesson. Well we had to go in to get things going for supper – grandma had jumped on it (I lost total track of time playing with the dog/kids/hubby) and supper was actually finished {I never felt so helpless and low} but we turned on the news to catch the weather and saw this: I thought i had a better photo but it didn't photograph well

So you might be wondering 'where exactly is your cabin' … well, according to this radar it was somewhere under that red/purple/black. You know that was the first time we have ever seen black & white in the color radar…it was quite eerie. Why? Because we got what seemed like lots of rain but there was no wind. I tried to get a photo of the weather but digital cameras change the photos so much, trying to give you the best photo that they wash out things like different colored clouds, swirling wisps, etc. although we did not see any swirling.

But then, we couldn't see the other side of the lake either. The lake is 1 mile wide … and we couldn't see it because of the misty, drippy rain – it wasn't a hard rain although you could hear the drops hit the windows & roof. Thunder rolled from everywhere and came before the lightening ever showed up which is really strange (it did it the night before too, arrived 1 ½ hr before the actual lightening)…you sit and wonder 'is it thunder or just a plane?'…'did someone just show up or is it weather?' … 'bear or Thor?' (oops that's a different post). It was so strange sitting there waiting for the wind. Then to top it off the power the cabin was cut in half … it didn't go out, it was a brown out … just kind of dimmed and I made the mistake of checking the multiple light switch to see if I could get the hall light to go on. Wrong switch. I flipped the one for the kitchen where we were getting ready to eat, not enough power to turn them back on. Grandfolks put in portable phone about 2 yrs ago so they could talk outside while working if needed…and learned portable phones don't work with half power. Okay so use a cell you say – great idea, if hubby had service and son didn't have roaming. Well there really wasn't a choice – okay there was but grandpa wasn't going to pay roaming (skinflint) – so we bit the bullet and called…automated service (in the country??? You can't escape it).

The birds were singing thru out the whole thing…and we watched as blue sky broke over the lake, and thunder rattled the windows. It was strange, sun on one side of the cabin…thunder on the other.

Then the fog – yes fog during the day, sun still in the sky. It was like a really bad Sherlock movie, but it really did just roll across the lake. You could see it creep and soon you couldn't even see the dock! By morning it was gone.

Figured the weather would straighten out here at home … silly me! We usually are putting out the seedlings when we get back Memorial weekend … we went to the store and came out to puffy bottom clouds, deep and dark, had it been January I would have expected a large snowstorm. This morning, while sunny, really isn't that much better.

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