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Friday, May 30, 2008

Could have been written by Hollywood

BBC NEWS Americas Isolated tribe spotted in Brazil:

"The Brazilian government says it took the images to prove the tribe exists and help protect its land.
The pictures, taken from an aeroplane, show red-painted tribe members brandishing bows and arrows."
Black Helicopter time!

Okay, does anyone else find it rather convenient that the government took these photos to protect lands from development?

It reminds me of 'Krippendorf's Tribe' with Richard know the one where the archaeologist dresses up his family and films them as 'evidence' of a tribe he supposedly found?
He had footage too.
Don't get me wrong -- I'm just having fun.
I found it rather interesting that they say there are 100 uncontacted tribes. If they are uncontacted, then how come they know how many there are?

I also have to point out that it was a group called Survival International that took the photos, or presented them .... the organization has no purpose if it is found that there are no more tribes, you know.

I also found it interesting that the tribe would be pointing arrows at the craft taking the photos .... most cultures would have been too curious about a large, strange flying thing to worry about attacking it.

No now in all seriousness -- I do understand the caution needed when making first contact with these people .... not just for the health reason mentioned, but also because the first contact will forever color their ideas of outside culture.
And you would want that first contact to be as positive as possible.

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