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Friday, May 09, 2008

FOLLOW UP: Code Pink rally

Okay so I was looking at the live video cam of the Code Pink rally with the witches ... you know the big news story going around.

They have all of 13 people there from my count ... but its hard to tell how many are actually there to protest and how many are news people looking for a goofy storyline.

and just like that its down to 7 actual protesters (must be lunch break) ... there's one with a cowboy hat, one wearing a bridal gown (what the heck?) and sitting on top a car that's been draped in pink, one that looks like a very bad drag-queen, one person has a broom and every time a woman walks by who isn't a Code Pink protester he sweeps in front of them (he doesn't do it to the guys though I've noticed) -- he's using a regular broom too instead of a besom so I'm not sure if he's part of the protest or one of the shop owners (most witches I know would use a besom, although I prefer my corn broom)

Also looks like they have a size 33 cauldron out there full of wood.

Wonder if they have a burning permit??

Anyways ... I wonder why they have the wood in the cauldron? The cauldron represents the Goddess aspect of any ritual - the last thing any witch would do is set that large of a fire within the cauldron; sure you might burn the occasional paper in there but nothing huge nor anything that is going to keep going.

I'm beginning to think that the 'witches' they have are either Fluffy Bunnies (I hate the term but it sounds accurate in this case) or they are dabbling into it themselves without knowing what exactly they are doing --- yikes! That's scary.Check Spelling

How are they getting away with this?? They have written all over the sidewalk, put what looks like rows of shoes in front of the entry to the recruiting office, and are leaning posters up against the building! What the heck????

There is a guy in camo taking pictures of everything, and everyone, and the protesters seem way too happy to have it done. Even getting shots of what is in the inside of the gals trunk while she is standing there allowing him to do it -- I'm sure there will be a few shots of the liscense plate too.

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