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Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oh Please

Okay I have heard all the dire 'Above Normal Hurricane Season' prediction ... well there's something that the media doesn't say ....
Remember the year that we went thru the entire alphabet??
Well what they didn't tell you is that until the 1990's the way they named storms was totally different.
First they only named the hurricanes that they knew made it to land ... only the hurricanes (at first they are just numbered) .... during ww2 they began to actually track how many tropical storms/hurricanes occured - they had to .... but still storms didn't get named half as much as they do now .... it seemed like it was in the 1980's (maybe it was sooner, I just didn't notice) that they began to name the tropical storms if they even approached hurricane 1 strength for any amount of time .... now a days they name them as soon as they reach the very bottom level of the tropical storm stage --

So of course it seems like we are having way more storms than 'normal'. But then wht is normal?? Records for the US only go back to 1900 or so .... before that the records come from sea captains who, lets face it, tried their best to avoid the areas that would produce storms in the Atlantic ocean.

This also means ... that there are no records of storms before the first land fall of Europeans in America .... not sure if Spain kept records, or the French .... but the Anglo-Saxons pretty much stuck to the upper part of the continent where they get very, very few hurricaines.

I'm sorry --- I have a really tough time believing that we are having an 'above' average hurricane season. As far as we know this is all perfectly normal, and what we have enjoyed for the last 200 yrs has been a lower than 'normal' cycle.

Okay so remember the big earthquake that they had in China .... oh the tragedy. I could not believe that they began to give up finding survivors as quickly as they did -- did they learn nothing from the big quake in Mexico where they were still finding survivors 2 weeks afterwards?

Any ways ..... one of the side effects of the quake is the formation of a lake. Yes we have actual evidence that this is one way that the Earth makes her lakes ... not left overs from glacial meltoff, not sunk basins that fill after a giant flood, not in any way that was the assumption .... somehow this lake was formed!

So what is the Chinese government going to do? Blow it up. Destroy it.

Now I can understand the concern -- they are worried that it will eventually give way on one side and cause a flood, so by releasing the water in a controlled way they will prevent futher tragedy.

But it is a natural occuring water source!!! Where are the enviromentalists over there bitching and complaining about this??? Where are the protests about the ridding of a fresh water supply (although I don't know how 'fresh' that water is)?

It just shocks me how 'free' their government seems to be, compared to ours. Do you realize how much red tape our government would have to go thru? Where is their enviromental impact report?
kirk cameron was on The View today (notice I didn't capitalize his name, he doesn't deserve that much of my respect) .... it slayed me to listen to this bigotted ass talk.

What kirk cameron bigotted? YES. He is on TBN (televised bigotted network, in my opinion) and on his show they went undercover to a Pagan (druid to be specific) festival. Okay - now if they had gone to actually learn something it would have been totally different ... but his entire purpose for going was to secretly record the ceremony and then put these people down.

He didn't bother to 'learn' anything .... he didn't ask any 'real' questions ... he tried to gather info to say these people were devil-worshippers, or that they were against everything that his religion stood for.

Here is a link to deo shadow's post that has the clip of kirk's show (even though it says it will sound like chipmunks, I found it worked just find) or you can download it from deo shadow's site as well.

Hey, kirk, what would Jesus do? Did you EVER hear Jesus put down someone for their religion? I don't think so. I don't remember ever reading it.

I wrote to TBN to ask them to make some sort of comment (okay I was hoping for some sort of statement that said kirk was wrong to infiltrate the group just to make fun of them) and what I got back was as statement that said that unless I could find passages in the Bible that supported my premise that what he did (making fun of another religion) was not something I felt Jesus would sanction then they didn't want to hear it.

They saw absolutely NOTHING wrong with putting a group of people down who did nothing wrong -- nothing more than practice a PEACEFUL ceremony.

Anyways -- so this jerk got all this press over this peice of shit bit so I was shocked, amazed, awestruck that this never ONCE came up in the interview with the ladies -- not once did they ask about his opinions of other religions (yes he even feels that jews will be burning, you've got to listen to some of the other crap he has put out there, its not on this particular clip).

Nope ... instead they let him praddle on and on about how hollywood discriminates against Christians.

No kirk ... it was just you ... you who felt that it was your job in this world to tell everyone who doesn't believe what you do that they are going to Hell .... kirk .... you are an ass.

When did God make you holder of the keys for the Pearly Gates???

such an ass. Buy his book --- AnD BURN IT!!! Preferably in some cauldron or bonfire!! Post it on YOUTUBE --- PLEASE!!!

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