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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

FOLLOW UP: Denise Richards ... the saga continues and continues.

okay so I'm watching E! this morning (its a rare thing for this time of the morning but 'Its Me or the Dog' is nothing but repeats of repeats) and they had previews of the next ep. of Denise Richards show.

Now I'm not watching this show -- just my form of protest -- but the lip did NOT put her in a good light at all.

You know for someone who was accussing her ex-husband of character assassination I would think she would make sure that:
(a) she would clean up the truck driver mouth of hers -- no wait ... I used to know some truck drivers (thru the CB scene .... not that I hung out with them) and I think they would even be embarrassed by her
(b) you would want to keep yourself out of Playboy magazine!!! Yes in the next episode the million-dollar c*** (from the clips I've seen of her last show, it appears to be her favorite word for females so, hey, I'll apply it to her as freely as she applied it to others) .... anyways ... she is bragging how she is going to do a two page layout for Playboy.

I believe her quote went something like 'hey if Playboy wants to photograph my {bleep} after two kids ... I say let them do it'

Yes Denise -- that will get you Mother Of The Year --- at the Bunny Ranch!

I'm sorry but the more I see of this gal the less sympathy I have for her.

Do I think Charlie Sheen is a better parent?? No.

I just feel really sorry for those kids! Can you imagine how screwed up they are going to be? They have daddy who can't stay out of the headlines because of his addictions .... then they have mom who will do just about anything for money, including putting her own kids on television (and you know if it weren't for the kid issue there is no way this thing would have seen the light of day).

What chance do these little ones have with two such igocentric parents?

Say hello to the next Lindsey Lohan & Brittany Spears of Hollywood.

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