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Monday, June 30, 2008

Wait for it

Okay -- so Geraldo Rivera and O'Reilly go after each other in this clip ... but if you sit thru the entire thing (I know its hard .... I had to stop it a couple of times) you will see that they are both just really passionate about their points and are still friends.

LOL... it is so funny at the end when Bill goes 'so how's it going over at your show?' as if the exchange didn't really happen.

I agree with both sides of this issue -- it is not that latinos drink more (they don't) but it is the fact that had he been deported the first time that he was caught for DUI/DWI the tragedy would not have occured the way it did. I do not believe that ILlegals are 'intised' to come to America illegally, I do believe we have more job opportunities here than there are in their home towns. I do believe that it is the sworn duty of every elective official, be it federal or local, has a duty to inforce the laws/duties/constitution of the United States ... which yes, includes reporting illegals when they commit a crime.

I have to agree with Bill -- this guy needs to be deported.

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