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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

More Proof of Global Warming

Hurricane Archive : Weather Underground

Okay click above to go to the official list of archived storms since 1851 .... no really.

If you look at the data you will find that the Hurricane service has been padding the numbers for the last couple of decades -- however many of the older records were based on 'reported' records from ships so they have to kind of be taken with a grain of salt (after all, on the sea how can you tell a cat 2 from a cat 4?) .... when instrumentation got better they only numbered storms which hit land ... when they started naming the tropical storms they only named the ones that hit land otherwise they only got numbers - this didn't change until 1966 when all storms started getting names, although I did notice that the pressure readings are still erratic, so I don't know what's up with that.

its interesting to see how the center has 'doctored' things up over the years to keep themselves getting funding, else I think we would have incorporated them into the regular weather service years ago.

so how long do you think before they start naming tornados? or major inland storms? give 'em time -- they've been pretty off lately with their hurricane predictions, they've got to 'improve' themselves some how to earn their keep.

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