"Two Tu-160 Russian strategic bombers landed Wednesday at an airbase in Venezuela to take part in military exercises, Russian news agencies reported, citing the Russian defence ministry."As soon as Bush leaves office you can expect us to be attacked from several fronts --
"I can't exclude that if such decisions are taken by our military-political leadership, the missile shield in Poland and the Czech Republic and other such objects could be chosen as designated targets for some of our inter-continental ballistic missiles," General Nikolai Solovtsov said, quoted by Interfax. "And why does Russia take this stance??
"We should be sure that the current and future strategic missile forces... are guaranteed to fulfil the task of strategic deterrence," said Solovtsov, the head of Russia's strategic missile forces. "In other words, if the US puts up shields in Poland & CzechRepublic then we effectively make any threat they have over the other countries to keep them under their control is lost. Never mind the fact that nothing we will put over there will stop Russia completely - and never mind the fact that we aren't putting them there to deter Russia, just Iran & the such -- wonder if they have something they don't want us to know about.
now Russia has paired up with that nut-case in Venezuela, Chavez .... this isn't looking good at all.
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