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Monday, September 15, 2008

The Good and The Bad

On the bright side -- hubby found the missing camera .... YAH!!!!! This means I am not a total nut job who doesn't care for very expensive toys. It means I'm not totally irresponsible and can be trusted with even the simplest of tasks ... which brings me to

The darker side of things .... I have another kid home sick today. My younger son is finally well and going back to school - he is fever free and back to normal...but not before passing the germs onto his younger sister - damn. So now my youngest is home with me today.

She's a sweetie and will be easy to keep occupied (there's a new floor puzzle she's been dying to get to do) but she is a Chatty-Kathy who will prevent me from knitting or listening to my 'At Knit's End' on disk (written & read by The Yarn Harlot) or my episodes of Poirot radio theater on my iTunes.

I will be busy today making toast, tea, giving meds, collecting tissues from the floor (because they just can't make it into the ice cream bucket that is there portable trashcan/spit bucket when sick), fixing soup which will be wanted by not really eaten because its too hot then too cold ....

It would be a perfect knit day to keep my hands busy and keep my mind at peace so I don't hide in the closet where the sick ones can't find me (no, don't worry - they all know my hiding places already .... there is no real escape) .... but then I get to have a day of my baby just a little longer.

I know -- haa haa --- even though its only a slim chance that there will be anything .... doctor's appt! No actually I was going to make one for her anyways - she has a fever of 101 so she is fighting off more than just sinus' - its just great chances that the dr will feel her neck, swab her throat, have the nurse take her vitals and then go 'hmm .... its a virus' and nothing will happen.

But then there's always the chance that its really strep ... sure would explain her brothering getting physically ill last week (his normal sign with a fever) .... and the sore throat I had before that ... but then these could all just be Fall colds too, as the weather gets colder at night but too warm during the day to pull the a/c units from the windows yet. see this is what I miss about central-air - much easier to go from heat at night/air during the day.

dang ... look at that ... off on a tangent. hee hee, I'm getting a little better though, heh?

but ... if I make it at just the right time (the dr. appt) ... i can get in about an hour's worth of peach & quiet & knitting - yes you read that right ... I am planning on having some tea while I'm knitting. Tea for me, not for a sick one. It won't have to be double sweet, tempid, and highly flavored. A nice subtle brewed peach sounds really good. Nothing with a lot of caffine, herbal will be better ... just a dash of sugar (1 tsp for a big cup) ... but we will see.

If her fever doesn't start going down with the Tylenol ... I may just insist on going anyways. If I could just get those sinus' to release i think she would feel so much better and the fever would break, at least mostly. But the cough has gone deep into her chest - well not deep enough to be bronchitis or pnuemonia ...

Man I hate it when the kids are sick. But still they are so cuddly, I kind of like it when the kids are sick.

Oops, spoke too soon. The two older siblings went off to school and she's popping down to steal the cable for the rest of the day ... she can cough & sneeze all she wants without people yelling at her "cover your mouth" (aww, c'mon ... you do it too and you know it) ... and she can cuddle under loads of blankets and if she gets too cold she can turn-on the fireplace (aw man, there's is absolutely nothing romantic about 'turning on the fireplace' is there? well I suppose its safer with kids though ... but the imagery just isn't the same).

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