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Friday, September 05, 2008

shot down

Okay so I was trying to comment on someone's blog to give them a peice of helpful advice ... they were saying they were very busy knitting and almost forgot to get in their weekly blog - hey we've all been there .... I tend to forget to get off that weekly email until the last second.

So I was going to tell her how to set up posts to go out at a later date, so she can set up 'teasers' for her partner, or whatever she wanted (I like to set up the YouTube clips ahead of time myself - they are easy enough to do) .... but her blog wouldn't let me post ... no biggie.

So I figured if I posted here - maybe she will see it .... if not maybe it will help someone else. I know when I first got my blog I was absolutely lost -- so I thought if I could share just a couple of the tips I've learned so far it could help someone else. Of course all I know are Blogger tips, I've got other blogs too, but I haven't learned anything for them yet other than basic html
Setting up a post to be delivered to your blog later ~or~ Blog today, Post Later

okay so simply put open a 'new post' and make your blog entry. Try not to make it something too dated (this is a great idea if you are going on vacation too). Do everything that you would normally do, add photos, make links, etc.
BUT instead of hitting either the 'publish post' or 'save now' buttons, you want to click the "Post Options" in the gray bar at the bottom of the dialog box (same place you would put in the labels for your post).

When you click on it you will find three options:
reader comments - if you want people to chat back
Backlinks - if you want people to be able to link to your post
Post date & time - this is the one you want!!

You can change the date and time of your posting ... blogger will store it until later. this means you can set up a post to publish 1 week, 1 month, 4 years down the road (well I think you can go several years down the road - I haven't tried that one yet) .... or you can even make it so you can change the time of day it will post.

Say you want to have a bit of time to check something out before it posts -- but you don't want to simply save it for later, like if you don't know if you are going to have more info or not -- whatever the reason ... just change the time. It runs on the standard clock, AM/PM so its not hard to do. say you want to have something post at 9:30 pm ... simply use the stardard notation and enter it in just as if you were telling someone. just be sure you use capital letters for the AM/PM part othewise its not quite sure what you want.
Next time .... how to use this feature to EDIT or REPUBLISH a post.

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