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Thursday, September 04, 2008

What the Hey/? - Man Hit by Roller Coaster at California Theme Park - Local News News Articles National News US News:
"A 20-year-old man was listed in critical condition after he was struck by a roller coaster at Six Flags Magic Mountain Saturday in Valencia.
The man lost his hat on a ride and climbed two security fences to retrieve it, park officials said. That's when he was struck by the Ninja roller coaster and knocked unconscious."
this is the second time this year that someone has been hurt at a Six Flags ... here's the link to the other one.

Both have died in very simular circumstances, jumping the fence.
" June 28, 2008
A 17-year-old South Carolina boy on an church outing was killed Saturday when he was struck by the popular "Batman the Ride" at Six Flags Over Georgia.
It was the second Batman ride-related death at the Cobb County park.According to the police and a statement from the amusement park, the boy and a friend climbed over two 6-foot fences -- the park perimeter fence and a second one surrounding the ride -- to get to the roller coaster. Park officials said there were numerous signs warning would-be intruders of the danger."
Now what the heck is going on ... and this isn't all.

I found several stories of other people who have gotten hurt over the years. The same ride where this boy lost his head, just months earlier cost a worker his life and caused injury to a young girl when her leg hit him in the head as she sat in the front seat of the ride. It wasn't her fault it was the design -- passengers legs hang down as they ride around, if a person miss judges that height between their head and the foot -- OUCH! to say the least.

But one has to wonder if there isn't something more going on - except that things are happening in broad daylight, otherwise one would wonder if there wasn't a traveling worker with a dark secret. More than likely it is just really really bad planning of park security.

Why go just 6ft for a fence? just because its cheaper?

My father has been in the fencing business (chain link specifically) for over 50 yrs ... they can make those fences pretty damn high, they can also do things to the tops of the fences that make it harder to climb over them.

It will be interesting to see if Six Flags walks away with the "it was his own fault" excuse on this one .... I'm thinking there has been enough 'warnings' to them to have been able to prevent this from ever happening again.

Don't get me wrong -- the guy was pretty stupid to do it .... okay he was just plain stupid --- there is no doubt of that. but you just wait and see -- there will be a lawsuit.

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