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Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Note to self: If you are going to write a Prequel ... you may wish to watch the actual series first so you know a few things about the characters first. such as ... Kirk did not have a fling with Uhura, this was addressed in the series with the telepathic Romanesque people ... Spock would not have attacked Kirk, it would be illogical, and he went thru his control issues as a kid - remember the whole scene in 'Search for Spock' when the vulcan chick teaches him to control himself? the real ... no the prototype Spock would have been taught all this as a child - coverd they the animated series ...

When did Kirk ever refer to himself by his full name where he wasn't do so for a court record?? In fact if anything he would have said 'James T. Kirk' not 'James Tiberius Kirk' (although there is controversy about that middle name too) ...
And why was he driving a car in the Grand Canyon? he grew up in Iowa and didn't get to see the world until he left for the academy (several TOS eps & movies)

This will be going down in the books as the worst sequel EVER when it comes out ... and that's just from the preview. From what I've seen, this could kill the series.

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