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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Education - History?

So I was getting ready this morning and my 13yr son lets out this 'OMG' that I'm not used to hearing him say ... at least not with the channel I watch in the morning ... followed by "that's just stupid!" Okay - now I was really curious ... and I was smart enough to click 'rec' on the dvr so I wouldn't accidentally erase it (like I normally do).

Here's what upset him - mind you this is a kid who cringes when I mention 'homeschooling' over the summer because that generally means 'history class':

An education panel in TX is deciding who they are going to be teaching about in Social Stucies/History courses & text books .... so here is a list of who's out and in (so far)

George Washington
Ronald Reagan
Albert Einstein
Mother Teresa
Marie Curie
Paul Revere
Jonas Sauk
Colin Powell
Florence Nightengale
Niell Armstrong
Carl Sagan

Oprah Winfrey
Steve Jobs
Michael Dell
Cesar Chavez

(all of these people have been evoked or supported Obama during the campaign - Obama wants to make a Chavez national holiday)

Now granted - you can only teach so much in class ... but still they can surely figure out a way to do several different history classes ....

World History
US History
Modern History

that type of thing.

Maybe split the eras up so that children are being taught different eras during different years instead of having them learning the same eras a couple of different times.

I think this is more that the teachers are getting bored with teaching the same old stuff - and hey, if they are learning about Oprah what would be better than a field trip to a local taping of the show?

For those of you looking at those names of the 'in' crowd - please notice they are all late 20th century figures -- and they accuse the Republicans of being narrow minded/sighted?

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